Stories about lives changed in an instant explain why many clients are in gym 6.
TAKE ACTION – Get on Track! Outdoor Wheelchair Fair
Access Ability Wisconsin (AAW) and Madison College’s Occupational Therapists Assistants (OTA) Program invite the community to our “Take Action-Get on Track” Outdoor Wheelchair Fair on Tuesday, Nov. 7, 4-6 p.m. at Madison College, Health Education …
Why care about accessibility?
The web is all about providing access to as many people as possible. Check out this guide to discover what is considered accessible technology and how to get help with creating accessible content.
Biomedical Sciences Graduate Training – Exclusive Virtual Fair for Individuals with Disabilities: September 12, 2017
Attend the Grad School Fair from Anywhere – Free! Don’t miss this unique opportunity to meet Admission Representatives from 30+ Graduate training programs in Biomedical Sciences. Explore Biomed Graduate Programs nationwide Save time and meet …